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Turkey: Unique Festivals You Must Visit

    Turkey is not only famous for its various interesting and unique tourist destinations. However, this four-season country also has something special in every season, one of which is a festival. In every season there are festivals that will enliven, of course, including spring. Good spring weather will further support travelers to enjoy the festivals that are being held. This festival is not only in one city, but in several cities in Turkey. These festivals will also complement your spring break trip to Turkey. This spring is also one of the best times to visit Turkey! Wow ... surely there is something interesting if it is included in one of the best times, one of which is the festival! And here are some of the Spring Festivals in Turkey You Must Visit, along with the explanation!

1. Tulip Festival

The Tulip Festival in Turkey is highly anticipated by travelers from all over the world, because the tulip flower is one of the flowers that attracts the attention of flora lovers. How not, the shape of the flowers is very unique, plus a variety of charming colors. This tulip flower is also a flower that symbolizes a sense of love and the beauty of the world. The beauty of the shape and appearance of the color is very difficult to describe. Naturally, every year thousands of tourists flock to visit the tulip flower garden.

2. Kakava Festival

Various festivals always adorn the country of Turkey every year. Maybe someone is already familiar with this festival or someone has even heard of the name of this festival, namely the Kakava Festival. The kakava festival is a cultural festival that is regularly held in Turkey every year. This festival is also a festival for welcoming spring in Turkey. Kakava is a celebration of the Romani people. In the western Turkish cities of Edirne and Kırklareli, Kakava is celebrated with joy. The current Kakava celebration in Edirne takes the form of an international festival, which is also supported by the governor and mayor of Edirne. This cultural festival is a form of remembrance and gratitude for the local community for the successful escape of the Romans from the pursuit of Pharaoh (Pharaoh), the ruler of Egypt at that time.

3. Seker Bayrami Festival

The Seker Bayrami Festival has been a hereditary tradition that has existed since the 18th century. The word Bayram in Turkish means a national holiday celebration, while Seker means sweets. It can be concluded that Seker Bayrami is a celebration of various sweet dishes. During Eid, Indonesia is identical with ketupat and opor, which is different from Turkey. Because in Turkey it is scattered with all sweet foods, such as chocolate, candy, sweet breads, and much more.

Time for the Bayrami Seker Festival

The Seker Bayrami Festival starts from the end of the Ramadan fast in the afternoon and ends in the afternoon on the day of Eid. If we are in Turkey during this festival and are offered a sweet treat like candy, then don't even refuse it. By enjoying the treats that are given, it shows a form of gratitude and respect for them.

4. Nevruz Festival

Nevruz, an ancient festival celebrating the arrival of the season, is an opportunity for many to warm up bonfires before jumping on them in a tradition that is widely observed. In Istanbul, hundreds of people, including those from Turkish countries where Nevruz is a spectacular event, gathered in a park to mark the day. At celebrations at the Topkapi Cultural Park, people of all ages gather around open fires and jump over them. Traditional food is served for the revelers of the party.

This festival, which also symbolizes brotherhood and peace, is celebrated mainly in Iran, Afghanistan, India and Turkic republics such as Azerbaijan, across the Caucasus region and in Albania and Macedonia. The U.N.-recognized international cultural day, Nevruz marks the beginning of a new year and is considered the forerunner of spring.

5. Chocolate & Desserts Festival

Delicious food awaits you at the Chocolate & Desserts Festival. Here you will find chocolate desserts, sherbet desserts, cakes, and much more. This festival will take place in Izmir, a beautiful sea side city. There will also be art, fashion and dance performances at this festival. Cochoholic must come to this festival!


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