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Often times when they are bored on the weekends, sometimes some people choose to just watch TV shows, gather with family and enjoy a movie that makes your weekend feel good. So below are some recommended films according to our blog friends!

In general, psychological thriller is a narrative thriller that emphasizes the mental state of the characters who are unstable or disillusioned psychological, perceptions, thoughts, deviations, and the struggle to understand reality.

1. MEMENTO (2000)

Memento is a neo-noir psychological thriller film written and directed by Christopher Nolan. Tells the story of a man who suffers from anterograde amnesia (the inability to form new memories) and loses short-term memory every five minutes as a result of past trauma. Using polaroid photos and tattoos to trace information he can't remember, he tries to find the person who attacked him and killed his wife.

The film is presented in two different sequences. The chronological sequence of black-and-white reveals bit by bit the puzzle as he tries to find out who killed his wife, and the sequence of colors shown is in reverse order (stimulating the viewer to see the protagonist's mental state). The two sequences meet at the end of the film, producing a complete and coherent narrative.

2. EXAM (2009)

This film tells the story of eight talented candidates who have reached the final stage of selection to join a mysterious pharmaceutical company. They are locked in a windowless room and an invigilator tells them they have 80 minutes to answer just one question. The rules that must be followed are no talking to armed guards and navigators, no tampering with their papers, and no leaving the room.

The candidates also found that it turned out that the paper given was blank and only had their numbers. A female candidate started writing something on paper and she was expelled because she was deemed to have damaged the paper. The remaining candidates realize that they are allowed to talk to each other and they need to work together to find answers

3. MR. BROOKS (2007)

Earl Brooks is a successful and wealthy businessman who was awarded the "Man of the Year" title by the Portland Chamber of Commerce. As a role model citizen, ideal husband for his wife, Emma, and a loving father to his daughter, Brooks must live a terrible double life.

Brooks must confront his evil and bloodthirsty alter ego named Marshall and turn him into a serial killer known as the "Thumbprint Killer". Brooks's life is further complicated when he is blackmailed by Mr. Smith who wants Brooks to take him on the next murder mission if Brooks doesn't want his crime photos in the hands of the police, and a determined police officer who reopens the investigation of the murder case.

4. GONE GIRL (2014)

The film is based on the 2012 novel of the same name by Gillian Flynn. Tells the story of a writing teacher named Nick Dunne, on his wedding anniversary he returns home to find that his wife, Amy, has disappeared.

Amy's disappearance made the press busy with the news, because Amy was the inspiration for her parents' popular children's book. The police conducted a forensic analysis and found that Amy had been murdered. Allegations were raised against Nick, and his apathy was interpreted by the media as a characteristic of a sociopath.

In this film, it is revealed that Amy is still alive and she changes appearance and hides in a camp far away in the Ozarks. Since finding out that Nick was having an affair, he decided to punish Nick by making him a suspect in his own murder through a very detailed plan. On the other hand, Nick tries to clear his name from the murder charges by hiring a special lawyer and investigating the hidden clues from his wife.


The film is based on the 2003 novel of the same name by Dennis Lehane. Narrated a U.S. Marshal Edward "Teddy" Daniels was assigned with his partner, Chuck Aule, to investigate a psychiatric facility on Shutter Island because one of his patients had disappeared.

Teddy has his own reasons for wanting to go to the island and he is each traumatized by what he saw in the Nazi concentration camps at the end of World War II. Besides that he is also still haunted by the death of his wife who appeared in the fire.

Teddy's shrewdness in investigating led to a promising clue, but hospital officials refused him access to data files which he believed would open up a deeper case. As the storm cut communication with mainland, more and more dangerous criminals "fled" in confusion, as well as confused and difficult to develop clues, Teddy began to doubt everything, his memories, his friends and even his own sanity.

Apart from the 5 movie recommendations above, what other psychological thriller films have you watched? Come on, share your answers in the comments column.


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