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5 Songs That Make Me REALLY Happy

     The song is one of the media that allows a person to feel a more relaxed sensation, because of the dense activity of each person sometimes someone forgets to stretch his body to stay healthy and the mind remains relaxed.

List of songs below that makes my feelings ranging from feeling happy to feeling sad or feeling weird. But I didn't know there were some people who were not affected by just a piece of music that he played through his cellphone, radio, tv or other music platforms

“Maybe i'm just a girl on a mission, but i'm ready to fly. - Taylor Swift”

Based on the stories and mysteries of a handful of search engines that these songs which are said to save scary stories to certain plafroms limit this song.

Come on, Listen to some scary and weird stories from these songs!

There are several songs belonging to singers or bands that are associated with the mystery story. The story is believed from time to time by many people, although some have never been confirmed to be true.

  1. Shepia by Sheila On 7
This story has been circulating for a long time. That said, the song Sephia from Sheila On 7 originated from the mystery story of the guitarist, Erros. The story, Erros once got a mysterious phone call from a fan named Sephia. The woman claimed to call from a payphone in front of Erros's house, but after checking it turned out there was nobody. According to rumors, Erros was able to find out about the mysterious Sephia. But it was later discovered that the woman had died several months earlier due to an accident while wanting to watch the Sheila On 7 concert.

2. Ku katakan dengan indah by Peterpan

A Peterpan song that was very popular in the mid-2000s, which I Say Beautifully is associated with mysterious stories That said, there is a female voice on the song, precisely in the minutes 4:42 to 4:52. According to rumors, the foreign voice in the song was the late Nike Ardilla

3. I Shot the Sheriff by Bob Marley

This iconic reggae rhythm song was launched in 1973 by Bob Marley and the Wailers group.
In the song, Bob Marley hummed about the conflict with his girlfriend related to the Pill business. Bob assumed that the doctor who prescribed the birth control pill was a sheriff. Again it became famous when Eric Clapton made his own version in 1974 and became number 1 in the United States while boosting Bob Marley's fame in the process. The sheriff's name again is John Brown, a name later used by Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen in their own songs.

4. Billie Jean by Michael Jackson

The famous song "Billie Jean" was written by Michael Jackson while driving alone on an overpass and his car caught fire. Michael Jackson was absorbed in the poetry for the song so he didn't realize that his car could explode at any time. Fortunately, there are fellow drivers who see it and give a warning. Regarding the 1983 song itself, Michael Jackson claimed to get inspiration from the crowd of fans he met during his music career together with his brothers. There is also another story that says that the song was addressed to a woman who claimed Michael was the father of one of her children. The woman sent a threatening letter, though she finally got treatment at a psychiatric hospital.

5. Stairway To Heaven by Led Zeppelin (1971)

This legendary number of Led Zeppelin has a thick myth that has a hidden message. It is said that if this song is turned upside down, there will be a satanic message in the form of praise to the devil. Like in the lyrics section "If there is a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now .." which when turned upside down will sound "Here's to my sweet Satan, I sing because I live with Satan."
Led Zeppelin itself just let it be and thought it all was a stupid thing. But Led Zeppelin's guitarist, Jimmy Page, was indeed known to be interested in occult matters. It has the symbol "Zoso" which was taken from a 16th-century magic symbol. Jimmy Page also once inhabited the home of the famous occult figure Aleister Crowley.


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